[Serious] People who claim to be abducted by aliens/have seen UFOs, what's your story?

Long haul truck driver. I stopped to sleep in what I guess you could call a town somewhere in Wyoming. I took my dog on a short walk and thought it was a little strange that I saw nobody. But it was a little late in a very small town so whatever. Me and my dog climb into the cab and go to sleep. At some point my dog starts growling and going nuts. I wake up and grab my gun. There's a big flash out somewhere in the distance. I thought it was a meteorite or something. I'm climbing out of the truck to see what went on and my dog takes off. I start to follow him and a guy comes out of nowhere and yells "Don't go after him you need to get inside right now". I stop, confused. The man says again "you need to come inside right now!" I follow him into the building behind him. It looks like maybe a restaurant or a bar. I ask him what that thing was and he says "I'm not sure but they've been happening more frequently in the last few months, morning after last one a farm outside of town lost three cattle to predation." In the morning my dog was waiting outside of my truck. I had to leave or risk being late with my shipment and I knew nobody would believe this excuse, so I left. I kept checking news reports for days and never saw anything about it.

/r/AskReddit Thread