(Serious) People who cut all contact with their family and moved far away, what was your experience like?

I think it depends on your reasons, but I cut most ties with my immediate family because when I was in vulnerable position medically one of my siblings robbed me blind to feed his drug addiction showed no remorse for it and even though I had evidence and I knew it was him he denied it or showed no remorse and still hasn't owned it accepted any responsibility or apologised and most of my family stood by him and said it's life shit happens and is of the opinion you forgive someone who isn't remorseful or shows any care for his actions and how much pain it caused me and nearly ruined my marriage. I had to cut them off because the family member who did it showed no remorse and therefore could do it again and those who pretty much condoned his behaviour not making him whatsoever responsible and turned their hatred towards my husband and his family for getting me out of that situation and helping me back to good health again I realised then just because family are your blood doesn't mean they have your best interests at heart and the fact that they only care that my husband said his actions and their reactions was appalling and my in laws backed my husband made them resent my husband as his family all because in their mind he took me away from them. Although I'm the type of person who has always made my own choices and no one can make me do something I don't want to do. I moved away for me and I no longer made them a priority or have really any part in my life they made their choice by not backing me and making it more difficult for me at the time by sending abusive messages and sending threats even though I could of had my sibling charged but I didn't because of the whole family thing. My experience has been horrible it wasn't easy cutting ties and contact with people I loved and spent half my life around I grieved for them it was like they died suddenly I had to block them on social media, change numbers, cut ties with friends whom I knew were more loyal to my family than I. I felt like all I could do is talk about it to anyone who was an outsider I hated myself for whinging about it all the time but it was always on my mind and just came out in conversations. It's also really hard to move on from a situation that wasn't sorted out to your satisfaction and having to let things go you never thought you would. As time goes on it gets easier you have days where you think you will just give in and go see them because you will miss them but what you have to remind yourself what they have done and your reasons for cutting ties and stay true to yourself.

/r/AskReddit Thread