[Serious] People who found a purpose in life, how did you do it?

I'd have to say moving to another country 8 years ago.

Starting from scratch is a lot easier than having to say no to all the current things you are doing to make time to find your purpose. It really allowed me to stop and think about what I wanted to get into, and to try out a lot of things until I found the right thing to give me a sense of purpose. (not knowing anyone means you can really stop and think for a long time).

3 years after moving I fell into a new job which gave me a new career path. I then found a dog on the side of the road one day, which I adopted after fostering for a few months (owner was never found). I eventually found a sport which I was actually passionate about and from there it just kept on going.

I often think about where I would be now, or what a struggle it would have taken for me to get to where I am now if I never moved from home. The new job, my dog and sport really changed me and my views and have given me new goals, friends and purpose I could never have achieved before.

/r/AskReddit Thread