(SERIOUS) People who had family members or close friends that were charged as sex offenders, how did it affect your life?

Using my throaway for this for obvious reasons.

My fiance is a registered sex offender. Without going into too many details, he was charged with indecent assault against a child under the age of 13. He did it when he was 17 and was I believe 20 when he was convicted.

I'm not gonna lie, it hasn't really effected my life. He was upfront about it right away when we met, so it's not like I was hit with any surprises. He wanted to make sure I had all the facts before I made the choice to get involved with him. At first only my dad knew about it and we were hiding it from everyone else untul they got to know him, but now slowly more of my family are finding out. They're shocked, but they still accept him.

The biggest pain in the ass is the probation. He never did jail time, but he's on probation for two more years. We were trying to keep his relationship with me a secret from her for a few reasons, but the main one being that his PO is known for being the bitchiest one in the county. That proved true because now today she found out about me and as a result of that she's now sending him to extra court mandated therapy, which means he won't be able to work 3 days a week and I'm stuck being the sole breadwinner for the time being. That's basically the only way it affects me.

I have no doubt in my mind that he won't do it again. He was going through a really terrible time mentally wjen he did it, dealing with his own past abuse and sexual trauma that he was subjected to, and he would dissociate and not realize what he was doing. He's much better now, and shows no signs whatsoever of being an abuser or a pedophile. He's great with my little sisters and the dude's just trying to live a normal life. We really don't talk about it much because he's so ashamed of what he did.

/r/AskReddit Thread