[Serious] People who knew murders, rapists, arsonist etc. when they were children, what were they like?

In the fourth grade I had a friend who came to live with her biological father and step-mother (and step-sister) because her biological mother had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. She also had an older biological sister (eighth-ninth grade at the time) who stayed with her mom.

She became friends with my best friend, because they were living in the same neighborhood and we were all the same age, going to the same school.

I ended up becoming really good friends with her for the year that she stayed with her father.

I would sleep over her house and vice versa, I would go on family events or celebrate holidays with them (she is Christian, I am not. I remember distinctly spending Christmas and Easter with them.)

She was moving back, it was the end of the year. Her father invited me to come visit her when she moves back to Wisconsin, I begged my mom to let me go -- but of course, she said no.

A year goes on, I no longer keep contact with any of them. My best friend and I go to her house to Trick-or-Treat and it's the fifth grade. The step mother is so happy to see us and she gives us cookies, we're on our way but we don't see her father.

MY best friend has an older sister who went to the same school as the girl's step sister, turns out that her step-dad (my friend's biological dad) had a huge stash of child pornography and he was jailed for that.

Honestly, I was surprised. I spent a lot of time with them and nothing except one thing ever seemed off. He never inappropriately touched me or his daughters (as far as I know) and he was a real family man.

The only thing that was a bit weird was he had a man cave that none of us were allowed to go into. It was downstairs and it was always locked, and I mean, locked. I went in there one time, I forget what for, but he had a red couch and in front of that he had a flat screen TV. He also had computers for himself on a desk, and then the rest of the area looked like storage.

I guess that's where he did the dirty deeds.

/r/AskReddit Thread