[Serious] People who posted "Me too" today, what is your story?

Ugh, the feels hit me in the chest like a freight train after reading some of these.

In high school I was at a party at my best friend at the times house. Large group of people of varying ages. Recently broke up with my boyfriend and trying to work things out mentally with myself. I found solace in a dude at the party. He listened to me complain, and cry and be a normal teenage wreck. We talked for a few hours and he asked me to walk him back to his car, I can’t remember if he was leaving or grabbing something out of said car. It’s a little ways down the street but not far, he tells me he has the perfect song to cheer me up. I say okay, get in the car with him and wait for him to show me this stupid song. Sit in the back seat he says, that way people won’t think we are doing anything sketchy. I’m a dumb emotional 16 year old girl at this point. All of the sudden he’s on top of me, I struggled to push him off and kept telling him no and he kept ignoring me. I finally gave up and laid there in his back seat and let it happen. The most traumatizing memory I have of that night is I could hear my friends laughing from the car and knowing they couldn’t help me. Edit: sorry if that doesn’t make a lot of sense. Just kind of fucked up thinking about it.

/r/AskReddit Thread