[Serious] People who sleep well, what's your secret?

Here are some decent suggestions in 2 parts. First is non-medical techniques or tricks, second is over-the-counter drugs.


- Background noise such as white, brown, pink noise (yes, they have different sounds) .. YouTube has plenty of audio sources like this. There are even phone apps that do this well.

- Binaural / Monaural beats (with or without calming background music). You can find a bunch of audio like this on YouTube.

- Meditation -- A few minutes of meditation before bed can help clear out the day's events from your mind

- Reduce screen brightness or remove screens altogether. Blue light from your phone or monitor do not help your body sleep well. 1 hour before bed is a good start to removing screens.

- Proper daily diet & hydration can do wonders for your body, including sleep. Eat some healthy foods & lean greens.

- Invest in a vibrating alarm clock or a sleep tracker. It can prevent you from being waken in a groggy state.

- Invest in a good pillow. You spend 1/3rd(ish) of your life in bed. Make sure you support your head properly during that time.

- Weighted blankets have been known to help. May be worth a try for you.

- Diphenhydramine OR

- Melatonin OR

- 5-HTP OR

Use either / or and use recommended dosage for your age. Web-MD, or a similar site, can help you gauge this. Consult with your doctor before attempting to combine any of these. These are typically available as over-the-counter. There are also some products that are marketed specifically to help you sleep and are over-the-counter as well. There are probably some other types of over-the-counter drugs that help but I have tried these individually and they have worked. Do not use these every day. Your aim should be to use these as a last resort. Your body will adapt to them so if you do find yourself using them often, cycle off here and there.

Hope this helps a bit.

/r/AskReddit Thread