[Serious] People who support Donald Trump becoming president, what are you main reasons? What do you agree with him on?

As a small business proprietor, I find Bernie Sanders' economic policy flawed at best. He's a nice man, but he is too weak to whip Congress back in shape.

As a woman I like Hillary Clinton as a person, but she was an absolutely disgraceful Secretary of State. She is in no way qualified for the presidency despite my admiration for her husband's work, and my respect of her intelligence. She looks the most presidential, but looks are not everything.

Donald Trump is a blowhard (see a published cartoon I did of him a few months ago), but his policies make sense. I am from a Muslim republic, and grew up in a rather secular environment during the Soviet Union. I am not offended in the least by his suggestions we bar immigrants and tourists from Islamic republics until we know what is going on. We are at war, and we are being attacked from the inside! I would say the same thing about Canadians if they were perpetrating violence.

Donald Trump's stance on abortion is wrong, but it's clearly just for show until he faces off in the general election. He has already said he wouldn't defund Planned Parenthood or stand in the way of existing rulings. This issue is not enough to get in the way of all the other points in his favor, but it is important to me. Should he increase the rhetoric in this area, I might end up voting for Hillary Clinton.

I know Donald Trump is NOT a racist either. Voting Donald Trump is not code for racism. He's a pure capitalist pig. He would hire or befriend anyone if that meant he made more money. His businesses prove this is true. They are diverse.

Finally, I loath anything to do with the Soviet Union or Russia, and as a newly minted American Citizen (September 17th of 2014), I want nothing to do with all the Marxist ideas being voted to the top of reddit on a daily basis.

/r/AskReddit Thread