[Serious]People who've been sent to medium or maximum security prisons, what was life like?

Yeah okay don't shank mr. generic defense response. I know how to handle people, if people like you online act a fool, I will return the favor. If you show some respect, I will return it. Don't they teach you that in prison?

Anyway like I said, you provide no alternatives, find something else if need be, another metric, provide a paper that refutes it using it. Otherwise that is the best we got.

Still your opinion versus research no matter how you cut it.

Going to continue to waste my time trying to find fault or actually pony up some evidence? It is extremely disappointing that you claim you are just as intelligent/smart/down with the sickness what have you as the regular joe, yet you can't follow simple instructions. A simple debate template. I provide evidence, you provide evidence. Then we discuss.

No evidence does not fly in court, it will not fly here.

So go find a smoking gun. Otherwise I am done with you trying to distract from the fact that you provide nothing. That shit is pathetic. It is a kid's approach to argument. So be a mature, adult and the intelligent person you say you are, and I hope you are and provided something.

Or be an example of one of the ignorant ones I refer to. In which case we are done, congrats on making it through prison. I hold no personal grudge against you since I know how to be civil and take myself out of an argument.

So no evidence = Have a Good Day, Adios.

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