[Serious] People who've had to kill others in self defence, how was it like? How's life now, and what kind of aftermath followed?

This isnt me, but my friend, you know.

This friend (Z) was in anóther city a few years ago, someone Z cared about, X, was almost engaged to someone, Y. They had their ups and downs in the relationship, but one day Z learned that Y had beaten X up, at least slapping and kicking which gave X a crack in a bone.

Now X was one of the only ones in the world that Z, at the time, was concerned about about. No, Z is not a psychopath but, however, according to Z's psychologist Z has an antisocial personality disorder. Anyway, having said this, Z was not happy when finding out. Their relationship ended, but Z was not satisfied.

Z went to Y, but Y was not home. Z visited Y's workplace - Y was not there, they said, but was getting food in KFC. Z saw Y's moped parked outside. On one side of the restaurant is a street corner and the other side is a dark alley, so Z dragged the moped there and put it there. Once there, Z stood against an opening so Z could not be seen if one looked down the alleyway, you could just see the moped. When Y noticed the theft, Y started shouting and swearing in their language, like "who touched the moped". As Y sees it in the alley, Y stops and then walks to it swearing. When Y stands at the moped Y is in front, but with the back towards Z.

Z threw over a rope over his chest, crossing the rope ends, turned the back against Y's and bowed down at a 90 degree angle so that Y's body laid on Z's. Then Z held this position in what felt like a few minutes. Y finished kicking and coughing much earlier than these minutes in to it.

Z took the motorcycle, put Y on it and leaned it against the wall and continued down the alley, not out in front of the restaurant.

For that Z would be cleared, Z went back to Y's work and asked the friends / colleagues where Y is, Z could not find Y in the restaurant.

No one knows that Z did it. It came out on the news. Sometimes Z thinks to tell X that it was Z who killed Y.

/r/AskReddit Thread