[Serious]People with high social skills. What's the biggest mistake that people often make in interactions with others?

The thing is just like this person above with the barista, SO many people nowadays don't ask about you. You'll be trying to have that game of tennis but it's like, they don't know the game is happening. So you're there hitting balls to them and they're over there just catching them.

And it seems like there's more people out there like that than who know how to play. So when you end up hitting balls that don't get hit back, it feels lonely. I wonder if there's anything polite to say to those people who just sit there and go on and on and on about themselves. If I talk to someone like that, I'll try to say, 'oh my sister lives there..." or whatever, just trying to kind of jump in, and that type of person doesn't even catch it, like literally doesn't even blip on their radar that I've spoken. So, it's like there's NO point in even trying to play that game. You just have to give up and stand there. And then, inevitably, because you are polite and actually stand there and listen, they want to be friends instantly. So they seek you out to talk about themselves. So draining.

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