[Serious] People with low (but functional) intelligence, what's it like to know that you aren't smart like other people?

When I was 16, my girlfriend at the time wasn't... that bright.

I didn't quite notice it at first, but I fell for her because she was pretty and very kind. And ofcourse because I was 16.

We dated for about 3 months, and her intelligence was in fact the reason I broke up with her, although I didn't tell her that. I feel like a bad person for dumping someone because of that.

We didn't connect in any way. We were quite the opposite when it came to school. She was in the lowest level of high school and was always complaining how difficult it was. I tried to help her on numerous occasions but it was like talking to an 8 year old who just got a new football and has to make his homework first.

All she talked about was gossip, tv drama shows, what to wear... just nothing she said had any content.
I literally felt she was draining my intelligence and keeping me down. Fearing I'd settle for an average, dull life, I ended it.

She's married now, 7 years later, and we're still friends and talk every now and then. But boy am I happy that I can actually have normal, adult-level conversations with my current girlfriend.

/r/AskReddit Thread