[Serious] Do you personally know a murderer? What were they like? How/why did they kill someone?

I wasn't close with this guy at all but he was in my classes in elementary school. He was always a loner type and was quite mean back then and grew into a loner/druggie type in highschool (I didn't go to hs with him but this is what alot said when we found out about his murders).

He murdered 2 innocent kids behind a grocery store when he was in his early 20s.

I don't remember the details 100% just because I honestly didn't want to know too much but it was hard to avoid since it shook the city to its core.

He was up ontop of a grocery store for some reason late at night and saw these 2 kids drive behind the store and park. They were both highschoolers who were going to start their senior year the next morning at different neighboring schools yet they were dating and probably met there to hook up in the lot. This guy came down from the roof, retrieved a gun from his car and forced them out of the car. He then made them beg for their lives and them shot the boyfriend in the head in front of the girlfriend. He then sexually assaulted the girlfriend and then shot her in the head too and stole their wallets and left. He drove about 1 mile down the road and got a small amount of gas using the girl's card while wearing a ski mask. The attendent apparently didn't find this weird until the next morning when he heard about the murders the next day that took place at the same time. They found him in about 2 days and he was sentenced to life in prison since he was on drugs at the time of the murder.

Him being the murderer didn't surprise many that went to high school with him. I didn't really know him since it had been years in between me being an acquaintance and this tragedy happening. No one knows why he did it other than he just felt like it apparently.

/r/AskReddit Thread