[Serious]Police Officers of Reddit, have you ever witnessed or had to take part in an arrest that you knew was wrong? If so, what happened?

This is an absolute lie, police in the UK are empowered by the forced psychiatry laws, aka the 'mental health act' to force entry to homes, and your misleading claims of 'last resort' are just designed to make excuses and lull people into a false sense of security. The UK's human rights record on forced psychiatry is atrocious, the assertions by government agents that people 'are' a so-called 'serious risk' are not tested in a court of law, they are made extra-judicially, so for you to claim they are some kind of proven fact is chilling, truly chilling, you're obviously deeply brainwashed and biased. Samaritans can and does regularly trace numbers and deploy forced psychiatry goons to peoples homes, you are playing dice with your very freedom by calling Samaritans, listen to the people who have lived to regret it. The belief that personal problems are 'health' problems is the cult-like belief of the fanatics who will stop at nothing, not even violence, to force their beliefs on the unwilling public. The hundreds of thousands of people who live in fear of having their human rights abused yet again, by the forced psychiatry system of the UK, let their stories by your guide, avoid this 'system' like the deadly plague that it is. If you want to wind up a literal forced drugging SLAVE, without the right to even own your own body, then dare interact with the so-called 'mental health' system.... see this artist driven to suicide in the UK by the brutality of the system there.... video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBJBMXw7-fw

Nobody deserves the inhuman torture of being forced into psychiatry. Nobody deserves to lose the right to own their own body. No law-abiding citizen deserves to be locked up and forcibly drugged, solely on the basis of the thoughts they think, and the feelings they feel, by a group of true-believer 'mental health' fanatics. The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture was twice called what the UK does to its psychiatry detainees cruel and unusual, and torture... there is a worldwide movement of survivors of forced, unwanted 'mental health' meddling in their lives and bodies who fight for their basic human rights.

The terrifying cult-like mantra of the commenter above that 'if police had to come into your life', note the word 'had to', to refer to unwanted, non-consensual meddling in the lives of law-abiding citizens by the state's police apparatus.... is just terrifying. People who believe in forcing their 'mental health' belief system on others using the force of the state, are among the most terrifying people on the face of the Earth. I am proud and pleased to correct the lies, of this commenter.

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