Serious Questions about Alt Coins

My biggest idea about Bitcoin is that its value is largely a function at this point of a process, an unseen hand. It is not a stock which has earnings upon which to base its value, its value stems from usage which seems to steadily increase and does not look stoppable by any single government -- it has both weathered such attempts and even been accepted by authorities in some places and a single country with Bitcoin being very negotiable is enough to insure its value.

If the foregoing is true, it might also be true that the price can be predicted using chart analysis which I do not believe can be done with stocks and this points to a much higher price than we see today.

Finally, I think that it being the first and by far the most widely known it has derived a huge advantage although it can't neglect improvements which by virtue of having such a high market cap its technically-able holders are motivated to implement.

As for others, I really, really think that most will go away if only because they are too confusing. Etherium vs ETC will be hard to explain to 99% of the population, for example.

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