[Serious] Reddit, what was a simple gesture from a stranger or acquaintance that made all the difference?

This past summer, on a very hot day (100-110 degrees) I went go eat some KBBQ with some friends. There was no A/C, windows were open but there was no breeze, and sitting inside next to a hot plate in front of you, it was sweltering. With everyone in the restaurant almost dripping in sweat, one of the waiters was very aware of how hot it was, going to everyone's table refilling flasks with fresh water with ice every few minutes. This guy was going above and beyond to make everyone as comfortable as he possibly could! I was sitting at my table and trying to fan myself, when he came to refill my water for the 8th time. He noticed my efforts to cool down, and without being asked or anything, he went away and came running back with a bag of ice! Using the ice bag to press against my skin helped me feel better immensely. He didn't need to do that, to go out of his way and grab a bag of ice for one person when he had dozens of other tables to attend to. It's just something I'll never forget, the little bit extra he did to help a stranger cool down. Needless to say, he got a nice tip at the end :)

/r/AskReddit Thread