[Serious]Reddit, What situation or issue caused you to walk away from a friendship without another word to your friend again?

There was this girl in my comprehensive school that I became kinda close to from about 14-16. I was always very quiet and had some private home stuff going on; but I never talked about it as I found it too difficult. She was currently in an online relationship with another girl across the country, and had spend possibly a whole month, every day, complaining about how this girl is so difficult, she wants to see her but she can't afford her and her parents are so awful for not allowing her to catch a three hour train ride into another country. (She was about 15 at this point, and her parents had given her so much freedom that she had slowly manifested into this spoilt, uppidy party girl.)

Each day, in English class, she'd say, "Look at these texts she sent me", and I would eventually just skim-read them. I'd give her the exact same advice, to which she'd just ignore it. Every. Day. I still wanted her to know she had a friend to lean on, but I began to realize this girl just wanted to create her own problems.

At the same time, my then-boyfriend became close to her. She was a 'gamer girl' (literally, the old cliche. Her xbox live name was something like Gamurgurl) And whereas I enjoyed videogames, she loved them just like my ex, so they became good pals. I'm not the jealous type, so for around a year or so it never bothered me. With me, all she talked about was this online girl to the extent to which I started to doubt her existence, as harsh as that sounds. Again, as quiet as I was, I was simply there for her as much as I could be.

One day, almost a year after she'd gotten pally with my now-ex, I'd realized we hadn't spoken in ages, so I'd rang my ex for a catch up. I heard videogames in the background and then I heard a muffled girl's voice-it was about 11pm at this point. I said, "Oh, who's there with you?" and he mumbled, "Oh...-girl's name-." very awkwardly. His tone of voice made me a little uncomfortable, but I shrugged it off as I was a little bit of a twat.

His mother calls me a few days later for a chat (we were pretty close, in fact I missed her more than anything after the breakup), and she says, "Are you sure you're okay with ____ staying the night here most days?" I had no idea; she'd been staying the night for about 4 days a week; the days I wasn't there. Okay....fair enough.

I still put that behind me, until at 16 years old my mother threw me out (I argued with her boyfriend who was a piece of shit to my little brother and sister, so that was my mother's way of fixing the problem.) I was, of course, downhearted to say the least. I never opened up about the brewing issues in my faimly all those years, so this girl hadn't a clue.

For about two weeks, I was just sad. Quiter than normal, but still listened to her whining about this girl of hers, and stil putting aside her sleeping over my ex's, without maybe asking if I felt comfortable with it.

One day, as she's gabbing on about this girlfriend of her's and another bullshit problem, she pauses and looks at me; "Are you okay?" I thought, "Wow...maybe now's my chance to open up to a friend." As I was williing up the courage, she looks at me with contempt and says, "All you do is look miserable. To be honest, I haven't got time for you, I'm always wondering why you're so quiet, and you're never there for me."

This was at break in school, I stood up from the table, looked at her with utter confusion and began to walk away, shaking my head. She called back, with such an air of confusion, "Um. Come back."

I stuck my middle finger up to her, and cut her from myself. Soon after, me and the boyfriend broke up, as I realized there was probably something going on, or something would've happened, and I had garnered no respect for myself from either of them.

A few weeks later, I got the "What have I done?" message...I said, "I do not think there's point in me trying to explain to you."

BUT, but. About a year later, I tried again...and she pulled the BIGGEST arshole stunt and tried to rip me off. I won't get into that now...

TL;DR: Stuck-up, cold hearted, spoilt houlier-than-though bitch of a girl took advantage of my quiet nature, began staying the night over my then-boyfriend's for 'video game marathons' and eventually told me all I do is look miserable, after my mother threw me out at 16 and she hadn't a clue. Bitch also trying to scam me, maybe for another time...

/r/AskReddit Thread