[SERIOUS] Redditors who got bullied, how did you overcome bullying, and what tips would you give to someone who is getting bullied to overcome this?

Warning: This is not the PC answer.

Bullies don't want a fight, they want an easy mark. If you stop being the easy target, they will find someone else to pick on. Now how do you convince the bully to leave you alone?

Punch them in the fucking mouth and tackle them. I'm serious, without warning just fucking jump them. Give them everything you've got (no matter how little).

Let's be clear, I realize you probably can't win this fight. If you could, you would have already done it. This isn't about winning the fight. It's about showing you will no longer be an easy mark. If they are going to pick on you, they are going to have to work for it.

Win or lose, you will get some respect from everyone for sticking up for yourself and very quickly the bully will find someone new to mess with.

Make sure to start this fight in public so everyone will break it up before you get your ass whipped too bad. I promise, the fight will be over in seconds, win or lose.

/r/AskReddit Thread