[Serious] Redditors who've been 100% certain they're about to die, what was going through your head at that moment?

I, with a friend, went for a swim near my house. It flows in like a valley with two steep sides covered with thorny bushes. We had just had a couple of beers and were about to head back when suddenly there was a loud sound of gushing water. My friend only had enough time to jump off the the side and I turned around and shouted out to a couple of guys downstream who were just sitting in the middle of the stream to get the fuck out. After that I only had enough time left to cling firmly on to the roots of those bushes coming out of the side. It took around 30 seconds for the water level to rise around 6 feet and I graudally felt my feet start to leave the ground because of the flow. I cannot express how terrified I was at that moment. After a good 10-15 minutes, my shoulders started giving away and I remember thinking how easy it would be to just let go. That thought was kind of a trigger which incited a survival instinct in me. I turned myself face up and let the roots go, was carried downstream a little, grasped some other roots more firmly but lost my grasp after some time. Luckily, I found a foothold using which I just jumped out to the side to higher ground and climbed like fucking 15 feet up in a matter of seconds through thorns and dense undergrowth.

/r/AskReddit Thread