[Serious] Religious Studies majors of Reddit what was your reaction today when the Saudi King quoted Jewish Torah verses and lied on TV to the entire world by saying "Killing one is like Killing all mankind" and that it was Islamic belief?

It is a problem we scholars can't get past. We can quote the book directly, show images or videos of someone saying this or that, but will still get someone who says no, you are wrong and you must be wrong but I don't need to actually go see for myself if this is true. In the case of Islam, the SJW out there who defend it bank their belief that Islam is peaceful because they simply cannot believe that Muhammad actually said and did those terrible things. Imams and Muslims said its not true, so there is no need to go investigate.

And that is the sad truth of it. Its the "I know I am right, just because". 100% of people who investigate the Qur'an come to find all the horrific things are right there for all to read. This thread, was about the Saudi King going on live TV and saying Islam is wonderful and peaceful because Muhammad said killing one is like killing all mankind. When he actually said he was reiterating what a Jewish rabbi told him about Judaism, and that the very next sentence is Muhammad telling his followers to denounce that, nail people to a cross and cut their hands and feet off.

With the direct quotes given, still nobody cared. It is the reverse is Islamaphobia. Its the blind acceptance of something without knowing anything about it simply because Muslims said its peaceful.

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