(Serious Replies Only) This Girl and Making Plans

Her roommate is also a friend and co-worker.

Do you think since I tried to reach out about swimming twice already that I should wait for her to get back to me? I think yes.

Do you think I shouldn't text her again or call until she picks up the phone and attempts to call or text me first for the rest of the month?

If she doesn't text me or call me first starting today and is potentially interested in me to see where things go but I am not making an effort starting today because she isn't texting or calling first and or getting back to me about swimming since I left a voice message the day after I sent her the schedule and didn't hear back after saying "Just tried calling, when you have a moment feel free to call me and we can talk about swimming and hanging out." Then what should I do in that case? I don't want her to feel like I just gave up but I also don't want her to feel like I am not making an effort to hang out or talk to her anymore?

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