[serious] Requesting phone records

He never called, so there would not be a recording, or a voicemail. WOuld that be enough for a judge to throw his entire claim in the trash can? Since if we fail to acquire the call logs we can't prove he didn't call either.

Last time we lost due to the fact that the offense is severe and has a major security implication. And if it wasn't caught by the audit that day, it could have endangered countless people.

The big case is about firing me because grave error. They claim I was still responsible for the people that work for me (manager position), even if I was on vacation, and was not informed by anyone of any situation.

I did train the people and the rules were very clear in this training that stuff that happened was not allowed.

The big case is based on the claims that I vocally gave permission while on vacation, after a call to me from that person. So by invalidating this we can drop the whole case. Or atleast weaken it enough to win it.

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