[Serious] Rich people of reddit, what don't they tell you about being rich?

You'll never have a friend who knows you have money unless they also have money, and preferably more money than you. It may start off as a normal friendship but eventually it will become parental. Either you'll be stuck bailing them out of every inconvenience in their life or you'll lose them because you put your foot down and said "be an adult". The moment you say that they'll pull the silver spoon card and you'll realise how hollow the foundations of that friendship were because everything you are as a person is invalidated by your background.

Family is a business transaction and the more extended the family the more predatory that becomes. Your parents will hold unrealistic expectations and tie your future to that. Your siblings will see you as a competitor for inheritance and try to sabotage you to gain better footing, as will cousins and anyone else with a strong claim. People who happen to share the same name will come out of the woodwork looking for their cut, especially any time family dies, and most of them will either be four generations removed or not at all related to you.

Everyone will have a sob story. I posted once before about it on reddit and still get PMs years later begging for things. People will show you every proof they have, truthful or fabricated. They'll use their kids as ransom. They'll use other peoples' kids off facebook. They'll stalk you across the internet, pull up social media accounts you didn't know you had, build a profile on you to try and manipulate you, and follow you into the real world.

Relationships are usually fucked right out of the gate. Some of them want a paycheque and that's pretty simple, they're not usually good at hiding it. Some want status and will marry you for some stupid little antique behind their name, they're a bit more crafty. If you date within your caste it's a mixed bag, there's a lot of depression and recklessness which complicates things. If you date below you end up paying for them like a child until the money dries up, if you date above you're constantly worried that they see you as a toy and will ditch you when they get bored. Finding the gem that's outside of that took a long time and the most I've given her is a backpack full of herbs on World of Warcraft.

You'll constantly feel the need to prove yourself and your worth as a person, but none of that really matters because you went to school wearing slightly better shoes than the kid next to you. If you go into humanistic things you'll be seen as a champagne socialist and mocked, if you're selfish you'll be seen as a trust fund brat and loathed, if you're introverted you're a hermit and if you're extroverted you're vapid. There's a convenient trope for everything you could possibly do in life and no escaping the perception that you're one cliche or another. Openly enjoying any of the things that are seen as wealthy is the worst thing of all, even if you just really fucking like music or food.

You won't have much challenge regardless of what circumstances you put yourself in. Wealth is a mindset and it's self-perpetuating. I make $30.000 a year in the military now. A few years from now it will be $300.000. You can swear off every connection and deny every link to your family, but you'll still be naturally attuned to gaining influence and making money with a little voice in the back of your head unsatisfied if you don't because you understand the power in it. You want your spouse to be happy, your kids to have opportunities, your hobbies to be celebrated, your bed to be comfortable. There's a lizard brained compulsion to revert back to your roots no matter how bohemian you fancy yourself and everyone expects that.

Everyone expects that because they can smell it on you. Your voice screams wealthy, your words scream wealthy, your posture and your walk and your attitude and your ideals and your ambitions scream wealthy. I keep quiet and wear the same thing as any other schmuck at my command, but get every joke under the sun from people who don't know the first thing about me. You can cloak it, sure, but that's inherently artificial and you end up looking like a television parody.

But you don't want to be honest either. Wealth makes you afraid of information, paranoid about security, mindful of everything you say and do. You'll have to obscure your family or people fed up with your lack of putting out will suckle the cow instead of the farmer. You'll lie through omission a lot, cherry pick your stories so that you never give away more than is absolutely necessary to make your point. You'll read into every word people say in turn because there's almost always a hidden motive behind it, and if not it's usually because they haven't thought of one yet.

Eventually you'll reach a happy place. I make my own money, do my own thing, I'm leading into a relationship where we're from similar backgrounds and can be perfectly vulnerable around each other because any hurt we could cause would be a broken record. You'll find that independent of your birthright or you'll become a victim of it. Most of the people I knew as a kid are probably either dead, addicts, on their way to one of the above, or have given up their own autonomy to be a puppet for their dad's ambitions at which point you're only delaying the above until you can think for yourself.

But if you do find that happy place, the whole thing becomes a cosmic joke. It's security and opportunity sure, but it's colourful paper that you throw at problems because you're too comfortable to attack them head-on. It's a prison you guard yourself and a disease you refuse medicine for. As long as I have enough for a plane ticket to Sweden and maybe a piano, I patently couldn't give less of a shit about anything it ever meant.

/r/AskReddit Thread