Do I Have a Serious Testicular Condition?

Male doc here. Sounds like it’s your vas deferens you’re palpating. It’s a normal structure. We all have them. Stop touching it and leave it alone. It will be there indefinitely. The nausea and fever could suggest epididymitis. But if you haven’t recently contracted an STD and have no pain with ejaculation, I doubt your nausea/fever have anything to do with your genitalia. Maybe you are nauseous for an entirely different reason. If you don’t have pain, it is almost certainly not torsion. Those things are medically emergencies and you would be in the worst pain of your life. Yes, cancer cannot be excluded but it’s unlikely. That depends on a number of other risk factors, too. So while I cannot say definitively that it’s NOT cancer, what I can tell you is that whatever painless lump you’re palpating very could also just be normal anatomy. And just so you know, testes descend at varying lengths throughout the day, primarily to maintain proper temperature. When they’re cold they come closer to the body, and when they’re warm, our friends swing lower. Hope I helped my brother. I’m not special and maybe there are other physicians like urologists who would know more than me. If you are still concerned, schedule an appointment with a PCP, who may order an ultrasound to evaluate. But just so you know: most lumps within the scrotum are not cancerous.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread