[Serious] In what accidental way did your parents fuck you up?

My parents had a philosophy of raising all of us to be individualistic. So this basically meant, starting at around 13/14, we're allowed to make decisions and do what we want. Of course, they still helped us a lot and encouraged us to make good decisions, but a lot of it like clubs, classes we took, hobbies we pursued, how well we did in school, was purely driven by us instead of our parents, which is what I see a lot of in high school.

Fortunately, I learned to be pretty self driven really fast. I don't really need anyone by my side. Not really co dependent on anyone. Im fine with just myself almost every time. I didn't stress out or feel homesick when I moved 2000 miles away for college. I establish good habits for myself by myself. Etc. etc.

However, beginning high school at around 14, this was a horrible philosophy for my parents to have, to be honest. I wished they forced me into some things. I didn't know how to socialize, and not being forced to do extracurriculars or outside activities with other people meant that my socialization skills were further fucked (until I basically learned everything social senior year). I got really depressed and got a bit fat, because I would go to McDonald's everyday and sit around playing Halo Reach, failing to focus on my homework. I didn't get abhorrent grades, but compared to my at least 3.5s beginning junior year, a 2.2 doesn't look that good on a college application (still got to my dream school though). Also got really depressed for a bit, like dangerously so, until I basically self medicated myself for that as well, because my ego didn't allow me to open up to others.

So yeah. I actually really like the way I am now. I wouldn't go back in time and change it, but possibly have a nice mix if I was a parent.

/r/AskReddit Thread