[Serious] What was the best choice/decision you've made in your life?

Dropped out of college.

To keep a long story short; I shoved myself into college in the early 2000s fresh out of high school, like everyone else at the time. Despite the fact that I'm a terrible student and always hated classroom settings. Being in college put me in classes I was completely disinterested and unhappy in, in a foul mood most of the time, and ended up struggling immensely in. I decided that my current path through college was going too badly to continue, so I decided to 'take a break' and go to work instead, and I haven't looked back ever since.

Through employment, I eventually found myself getting a few licenses, then through more work I paid for my own training at a trade school. I'm doing pretty good for myself, things are getting better and better, and I got here without student loan debts.

Graduating high school at 17, it really felt like going to college or joining the military were the only choices available for us. Thankfully I was able to find another path to advance and improve myself by just going through work instead. Of course I still think higher education through college is a worthwhile thing for many people, there was just better options for me personally.

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