[Serious] What caused you the most physical pain you've ever experienced?

My parents are divorced. When my dad was dating someone with a dog who I am super allergic to and I had to go to their house. I couldn’t breathe for like a week after that and my eyes were all swollen and itchy from all the scratching. I had to go to the hospital. We did it like 3 more times and I had to go to the hospital every time, and once he even tried to stay overnight. My mom told me not to take my inhaler because she said it made it worse, which was a lie. We then MOVED WITH THEM AND THE DOG and for some reason I stopped being that allergic to him after that. The dog became my best friend but they broke up and I didn’t even get to say bye to him. Life is a LOT better now. I live with my dad because my mom was kinda nuts and he has a lot more common sense now. It’s probably because he got a brain tumour removed.

/r/AskReddit Thread