[Serious] What cultural trend concerns you?

Funny story; About six months ago my wife and I are getting our house cleaned out and ready to move. Like most normal households, we have things that have been collected over the years that we no longer wish to have and bring to our new house. This being the case, we decide to sell what we can and donate or trash what we can't. My wife's active on community facebook pages and decides to give it a go on said page before posting to craigslist. Few days go by, we're doing really well cleaning out the house and we've sold a number of things and recouped a little bit of money. Life is good. Well.... not so much. Apparently someone decided to get on the page and start mixing it up a bit. They begin by complaining about furniture that they picked up from us, then come pictures of insects (they were insinuating bed bugs, unfortunately the stock photo they used was of something more like an earwig). So, a few close friends of my wife tell her what's going and that she should stop it before it gets too out of hand. She gets on, notices that she has no clue who people are and the photos are easily found on Google and are of the stock variety. She iterated to the page that we've never seen these people, they never purchased or picked up anything from us and on top of it, its not even our furniture. This is easily verified by looking at the photos that were attached to the sales post. You'd think this would be enough to dissuade the crowd from continuing..... nuh uh. Think again. Someone on the page decide they'll take matters into their own hands and post our house listing, my wifes full name, the works. The community page just goes ape shit over this. Random people who had no involvement in the matter continue to fan the flames and actually offer up ideas or help in destructing property or causing bodily harm to my family (beautiful and rational people, I know /S). When it was all said and done, Police were called, preparations were made and it made for one hell of a last week in our home.

Edit: spelling, punctuation, I'm on my phone give me a break.

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