[Serious]What does Reddit think of naturism/nudism?

I'm interested what your guys thoughts are on this. If I'm correct there isn't really much discussion about this topic on reddit, at least not serious. Maybe that's because of the numbers of Americans on Reddit? As an European, I expect naturism/nudism to be less of a big deal over here.

I have been to naturist resorts / nude beaches in Europe myself, together with my girlfriend (both in our twenties). The naturist resorts over here are more of an 'open' thing, where you can go by once. Just like any other camp site basically. If I am correct the resorts in America are different. In my opinion naturism over here is less accepted as you might imagine. People won't look down on you if you practice naturism, however it is often subject to jokes/ridicule in a general sense.

About the whole sex/nude thing: In my experience, the guys who get it mixed up are often to be found on nude beaches, where there is unrestrained access. On resorts I have never experienced such a thing. However, I have never been in a very unpleasant situation myself, but on beaches I have been cautious to certain individuals. This whole difference in vibe is also seen in the the public that gets drawn. Resorts mostly draw families with children, whereas on beaches single men are more prevalent.

Things I often read on Reddit are the combination of naturism and children, and secondly the 'fact' that naturism only draws ugly people. About the first thing I don't have to say that much. In my experiences children don't have any problem with naturism, they enjoy it without any second thought. About the ugly people that are presumed to be overrepresented I have to say that I completely disagree based on my experiences. Not sure if this might be completely different in America. The places that I have been where populated with a complete mix of people, just as in normal life. On resorts there where mostly families, which caused a broad range of ages and thus not only ugly old people. The age group between 18-25 is somewhat lacking, but that might also be due to the fact that that is the age that people travel around the world. I have been told multiple times by young parents that they grew up with naturist parents, and came back after they had children themselves.

That makes me think about a last point of possible discussion, how do people get involved with naturism? I got involved after visiting nude sex-mixed saunas together with my girlfriend, which we enjoyed both. (For the record, these places are extremely mainstream in The Netherlands. The people that visit them do however mostly not consider themselves naturists). My feeling is that most naturists where raised as a naturist, thus few people get involved 'per accident', as I did.

No TL;DR I am afraid. Just post your thoughts if you don't feel like reading :)

/r/AskReddit Thread