[Serious] What harmful myths have redditors created or perpetuated?

I consented to a couple of sexual acts (oral and PiV sex) and I was totally down with it. Even though I was drunk, I know myself and am perfectly okay saying yes or no to sex I do or do not want. I could communicate my desires and what I needed from him.

In the middle of regular old sex (with him behind me), he anally penetrated me. At no point did I request anal sex or indicate that I would be okay with it. If I had, I definitely would not have suggested he go straight into it without preparation (thankfully I had asked if he had lube earlier and I think some of it slipped down to lubricate the other entrance. That, and my intoxication, made what happened bearable). I thought it could have been a misaim but (a) he was able to completely "enter" which requires some amount of conscious force and (b) he didn't apologize or acknowledge a misaim, he kept going. I forget how long he kept going exactly. I don't think he came during anal sex but transitioned back to vaginal sex (something I would definitely not consent to because hello UTI). I froze and didn't really say anything, I didn't really acknowledge what was happening to me (which is another count against me--I didn't resist or say no). All I know is that I would never, ever suggest anal sex without considerable assessment of that person's consideration for my safety/pleasure so I wouldn't have it with someone I just met. I also wouldn't do it without considerable preparation before hand. And I most definitely would not engage it in drunk, even at someone else's suggestion.

I sobered up over night, had sex with him the next day, and proceeded to spend the rest of the hungover day in his room (and out for greasy food later on). He didn't try anal with me when sober, didn't bring it up, and didn't apologize for accidentally buggering me.

For all I know, he thinks that he accidentally started anal and I went along with it because I didn't say no. I didn't yell or hit him or tell him stop so it must be okay. I stuck around, so it wasn't a drunken mistake--just a one night stand. But on my end, at the very best he was given an inch and non-consensually took a mile. At the very worst, he took advantage of a drunk girl by lubing her up and then continuing to "accidentally" penetrate her ass.

So yeah, there's your story complete with grey area.

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