[Serious] What kind of year is 2015 turning out to be in your life?

Honestly I feel i'm in a weird position right now. Just turned 19 a couple months ago, while getting my first part time job around the same time. About to finish my first year at University with about 3.3 GPA. Was able to get into summer school and register for the class I need to get me on track for my intended major. Saved up most of my money to buy my own car for a good deal ($3,000, 86k miles). Have a appointment to get my license in a few weeks (I know, i'm late). Just found out today that I'm getting my whole school year paid for again next year, with extra money on the side. Finally getting braces in a couple weeks. Have a couple thousand dollars coming in from an outside source which is going straight to my savings account. Need one more part to finish building my PC. Am in great health, actually just started dieting and strength training again so i'm excited to see my progress. But you know what? I don't know If I can truly say I'm happy. I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything, because trust me I am, I just feel like I'm missing something. It hit me when I was getting out of class the other day and walking to the bus stop, The sky was a dark grey, and it was chilly outside. I was listening to music and I just thought to myself, "Wow, I really wish I had someone here to share this with". Iv'e never been the one to base my happiness on others, but i don't know, maybe having a girlfriend will fill that emptiness. Just have someone there to share all my experiences with. That special someone. I know this is kind of a rant, and it is most likely buried, but I just needed to get that off my chest. Maybe someone can comment and give me advice, or tell me how awful I am, both are welcome.

/r/AskReddit Thread