[Serious]What is the least professional thing a medical professional has ever said to you?

This surgeon, bypassed informed consent [link], performed a bunch of surgeries against my will (the only reason to intentionally bypass informed consent is to operate on someone against their will), some of the many things he did against my will were; keep me sedated for 5 hours instead of 90 minutes, which is kind of the anasthesiologist fault too, as well as amputate my breathing organs, the inferior turbinate heads, that optimize air in preparation for the alveolar exchange process in the lungs, as well as break the residual fumctional turbinate conchal bones.

Among other unnecessary and catastrophic procedures.

Finally and maybe most egregiously, he cut out the tip of my face/nose, by cutting out a huge piece of my septal cartilage; the rigid structure between the nostrils. This caused my nose to partially collapse [link], and noticeably sag, as well as give me the incurable and iatrogenic disease known as Empty Nose Syndrome. Which is pure hell.

But that's another story in itself.

Anyway, after he intentionally performed a variety of surgeries on me against my will, he said a bunch of horrible things to me. Two of the more unbelievable things he said to me was "you can't take to much cartilage out of the nose or it will sag", pushing his own nose down to demonstrate.

This was of course after he did this exact thing to me.

Second, after he ruined my ability to breathe correctly, he said "I feel bad for you, I know every time you breathe in you think about it".

This surgeon is one of the scariest people I have ever met. I reported him to multiple regulatory agencies including the the American College of Surgeons. What he did, and this hospital seems to have a policy of condoning and even promoting, (for financial gain) is combine a vicious form of violent crime on helplessly sedated patients that implicitly trust them; with insurance fraud.

This surgeon should be in jail, imo. But since researching the corruption in the medical industry, I found an example of a surgeon who kicked off an investigation that uncovered 1,200 unneccessary heart surgeries, and even after that was proven, this hospital, part of the largest healthcare provider organization in the United States, didn't even fire him, and he continued to perform unneccessary surgeries on patients.

Imagine it.

A man cutting your chest cavity open after intentionally deceiving you into believing you have heart disease.

It's pure horror.

The reason they didn't fire him is because he makes money for the hospital, and the cumulative amount of those unnecessary surgeries is more money in revenue, than lawsuits are in costs apparently. So if x is bigger than y, they keep doing x.

The surgeon who intentionally ruined my ability to breathe, ripping out the underneath of my face, will probably retain his job, and probably one day become head of the surgery department.

/r/AskReddit Thread