[Serious] What lie are you living?

Sure, I'll post in this.

We'll start with my girlfriend. Love her very much. Think every day about breaking up with her. Been together for two years. We're best friends. She really, really loves me. Truthfully, she's gained quite a bit of weight during our relationship and I just don't find her attractive anymore. I've tried for over a year to get her to go to the gym and it never sticks. We're paying for a gym membership and she never goes. The bad part is that her lack of going has killed my motivation to go. It's a shitty cycle. I think constantly about breaking up with her, but then I think about how great of a person she is and I keep hoping that she'll become attractive to me again.

I only have two semesters of school left for a degree. That's a lie. I'm 28 and I still don't have a bachelor's. I didn't even know what I wanted to do until I was 23 and by the time I was really on track (actually, two semesters away from a history degree), I experienced a miscarriage with my ex-wife at the beginning of my senior year. Then she asked for a divorce two weeks later. I tried to go to class that semester, but fell apart and stopped going to class after the first week of October. Nothing like four "incomplete" grades on your record. Oh, those go well with the four "incomplete" grades from the second semester of my freshman year where I spent the entire semester golfing instead of going to school. I spent the first two "years" (freshman, sophomore) of college scraping by with C grades. My transcript is terrible, hence me not getting into student teaching prior to deciding to switch to history. Oh yeah, and I owe $750 to collections because I couldn't pay for my last semester of school; which was also a failure. A year after my divorce I took everybody's advice and decided to go back to school. Well, depression hit me again and I stopped going to class. Awesome, right?

And financially, oh man, I suck. I'm currently "unemployed", as in I work part time at a family business making like... $250 a week. I had a decent paying job that I quit because it made me miserable and made my relationship with my girlfriend even worse. I've been looking for jobs for 3 months and I haven't found anything that pays more than $10/hour. My rent, car insurance, cable/internet, utilities run me about $800/month. Not too bad, right? I have $5,200 in debt. Like $4,000 in credit cards and $1,200 in collections. Oh, and I got busted for stealing from Wal-Mart last year. I took $18 worth of items - still not even sure why. A friend who is an attorney had it suspended for a year, which will be up in about a month, and then it becomes a trespassing charge. I imagine it's showing up on background checks and that probably hurts my chance of landing a job. Friends and family see me as an outgoing, fun guy, who is in control of his life and who is ambitious. Truthfully, I hate myself and am feeling myself slip back into depression. I kind of wish that my girlfriend would leave me so I could sell off all of my possessions, pay off my debts, and then just end my life.

/r/AskReddit Thread