[Serious] What made you try hard drugs like crack, heroin, meth, etc? Did you know/ appreciate the risks and if so what made you think you were above all the other addicts and were gonna be just fine?

Opiates, benzos, and cocaine. Of course i knew the risks, however most of them are incredibly misrepresented, addiction rates upon trying a drug are roughly lower than 20%, while thats still one in five its nowhere near the 100% propaganda tries to argue, realistically most addiction doesn't settle in until youve created a chemical dependency through repeated use, then your in trouble. I didnt think i was above anyone suffering addiction, i just knew what i would like and what i wouldn't.

Opiates i did not like tried an oxy once and it felt like dying with how much it screwed my breathing so never touched that again. The cocaine was fun, but due to adhd it was more of an extremely focused high more than any speed rush, wasnt a fan, havent touched in a decade. The benzos on the otherhand.... I dont know why these are prescribed like candy and to me represent a bigger problem than opiates in how altered they make you, I would've helped you saw my own arm off and apologize for bleeding on you, those took about a year to kick entirely and i still want them but they made me far to agreeable and far too susceptible to suggestion that i grew to hate the high with such a passion. Fuck benzos.

/r/AskReddit Thread