[Serious] What is the most disturbing thing you've experienced in your life?

1) I barely, out of the corner of my eye, thought I saw a young girl - girl, 8-10 years old felating a middle aged man at the end of a subway platform. I wasn't even sure of what I was seeing. I saw the girl on her knees facing the man. I saw her pink plastic headband. I saw it move. As soon as I registered what was going on - because I didn't expect to see it, it was incongruous in the setting, I was 18 and still didn't think things like this really happened, it seemed incredible and strange, just couldn't piece it together - they disappeared. I had turned my head to see if anyone else was seeing this, and they were gone when I turned my head back and was about to head toward them. I think the man saw me notice them early...

I didn't see her face. I wasn't sure it even happened. I didn't say anything to anyone official, thinking they wouldn't have enough to go on... Again I doubted it altogether.

But I think it happened. I still feel guilty for not doing more.

2) Seeing my dad forget things about me the other week. Still panicking.

/r/AskReddit Thread