[Serious] What is the most shocking thing someone confessed while on their deathbed?

Wasn't technically on his deathbed but it was the day before my brother died. He was 21 and I was 15 and we were driving to his apartment to play video games and eat some casserole. He always had bipolar/ suicidal tendencies. His first attempt at suicide was when he was 7. Yes, seven. He had a great life though it was just his brain.

The day before he died we were stopped in a parking lot and he got a little serious but not dead serious and he said "Don't be like me." I worshipped my big brother. He was my best friend and role model. He was getting his life on track, going to school, majoring in psychology. He pulled his shorts up to his thighs and there were so many cuts and cigarette burns I couldn't count. "Don't ever hurt yourself. Don't do it because it's cool or even if you are really really, really sad. You have to promise me that.ok?" I was shocked. First I didn't know about any of the cuts or burns, and I was just taken aback because we were blasting Barbie Girl and having a great time 2 minutes ago. "I promise" and he pulled out of the parking lot and we went home. The next day he was dead and it wasn't until 3 or so months after that he was warning me, possibly crying out for help. He knew what would happen.

/r/AskReddit Thread