[Serious]What is the most traumatizing thing you've ever experienced?

When I was 15, I was out with my boyfriend and two of his friends. We met up with a few other friends at the mall and we left, deciding to go to the park. They got in their car and we got in ours (my boyfriend was driving) and we set off. Our friends were driving really fast and my boyfriend was trying to keep up with them. Well, we turned onto a back road and I knew a curve was coming up so I told him to slow down, because I knew we were going too fast to be able to turn. Because the radio was up, he didn't hear me and the curve came up. He tried to slow down, but we were already sliding on the gravel and suddenly we hit something and flipped. We came crashing down upside down and slid a few feet.

Thankfully, we all had our seatbelts on and no one flew out a window or anything. The weirdest feeling though is opening your eyes (I didn't remember closing them) and the feeling of being upside down. Getting out of my seat belt hurt, because the glass had broken on the windshield and on my window. I still have scars from where glass entered the skin.

I remember hitting the roof of the car after unbuckling myself. I don't remember the pain of the glass slicing my knees and hands. I was the first one to crawl out of the car (the door was jammed and so I crawled out of the window). I had to help my boyfriend and our friends out. None of the doors worked and my boyfriends seat belt was broken (it wouldn't unbuckle) so I had to cut through it. Luckily I always keep a pocket knife on me. I remember having to smash through the back window to get my friends out.

One of my friends told me that I was really bloody but I didn't feel any pain. I just felt shaky and my heart was pumping really hard. I guess I hit my head and my head was bleeding. I called the police first, telling them which road we were on and also saying that no one was in critical condition. I remember crying and the operator telling me to calm down. After I got off the phone with them, I called my dad and told them we'd been in an accident. He wasn't as angry as I thought he would have been. I think he was just glad I was okay.

I don't really know what I did while waiting for the police to come. I kind of just remember staring blankly into the woods. When the ambulance came, they took me to the hospital. All I needed was some stitches... I was home hours later. When I talked to my boyfriend I was told that I was the only one that was taken to the hospital. I guess I got the worst of it.

To this day I still have anxieties about riding in a car. I'm 21 and still can't drive, but I'm slowly learning. I get anxious if someone is driving too fast and I usually have to close my eyes or distract myself somehow from looking at the road. I now make sure that if anyone gets in the car that they have their seat belt on. I don't care if they're an adult or even if they're older than me - they are going to have a seat belt on or they can walk.

/r/AskReddit Thread