[Serious] What is the most unprofessional thing a medical professional has ever said to you?

Went to see my GP and handed her a letter that said something resembling the following:

"Hi, I've had a colourful array of eating disorders for the past 15 years, often losing lots of weight, getting very thin, then gaining it back plus some through binging to become very big again. I have had a fairly bad relapse recently and have lost 98 lbls. This has been as a result of eating 200 calories a day - sometimes I even throw up those minuscule 200 calories out of guilt or panic (most recent acts of desperation include pretending to go for a walk on holiday as the caravan was too small to secretly do this in, so I'd daily go and vomit my 200 calories up behind a rock on a beach). I also swim for 60 mins every morning and finish each day with a very long run despite consuming (and sometimes purging) such a tiny amount of fuel. I cut myself daily. I think if I keep this all up...I'm going to die. I'm fed up of this vicious cycle, I think I might be losing (or have already lost my mind), and I really really need some help"

She said "problem is I can't refer you because you look fairly healthy and there will be girls there much skinnier than you. You need to lose more weight first."

True story.

/r/AskReddit Thread