[Serious] What have you never been able to forgive?

My uncle was a selfish wank. He knocked up to FOB broad and had kids with her because he was obsessed legacy. He then proceeded to spoil the crap out of them, while not actually raising them. Then 3 years later we found out he was dying from prostate cancer.

I have a family of pharmacist and doctors, and his brother (who was a doctor) died of pancreatic cancer a few years prior.

Instead of telling my mother, he decided it would be best to combat it with natural remedies. For years, he did this until it of course got to the point of no return.

The only reason we found out was because he left some google searches out. He never intended on telling my mom.

My mom started helping him out financially which I'm bitter about because he wasted tons of his own money on nonsense all the time, and the money that went to him was my uni money.

He spent tons of our money on garbage luxury things and never seemed grateful at all. He spent months on his deathbed and never created a will, which has created an endless amount of problems for us that we're still dealing with.

We were left with his mismanaged children, because his FOB gf just dipped and a mountain of his debt from living way above his means.

I haven't shed one tear for the man. He was a narcissistic dick. I'll never forgive him for being so inconsiderate.

Down to the fact that prostate cancer is one of the most manageable cancers when caught early. (It was.)

The lack of creating a will when he knew he was passing, which has left my mum in various legal battles. Seriously PLEASE write a fucking will. Even something resembling a will/your last wishes could be used in court for your loved ones. It's caused so much unnecessary drama.

And yes, my fucking wasted uni money.

/r/AskReddit Thread