[Serious] What do you "NOT" like about reddit and the reddit community?

I honestly hate the voting structure, mainly when it comes to serious threads meant for discussion. Internet users and group-think create a frustrating dynamic where people basically react to comments with emotion and even if your comment is objectively valid and correct, sometimes you will be buried in downvotes.

It's actually kind of amusing when one person misinterprets your comment setting off an interesting chain of people reacting to the misinterpretation rather than taking the time to read your original comment.

Now I don't care about receiving down-votes, I just want to be able to have a discussion without my initial comment being buried simply because people didn't agree with it.

Personally I only downvote comments that are hostile/rude or comments that contribute nothing to the thread. The current system allows people to essentially censor anything they don't agree with, and it's quite obvious people will never grasp this on their own.

I want to be able to compare ideas, have debates, reinforce or adapt my perspectives, but people go around downvoting comments like they get some kind of weird power-trip out of it.

I mean I have had people search through buried comments just so they can downvote them further and reply to them with insults, even though my comment was thoughtful and relevant to the thread.

The most annoying is people who downvote but are too apathetic to tell you why they disagree, they just want to hide ideas that make them uncomfortable or that frankly, they are not able to grasp cognitively.

If I had things my way comments you like or agree with get upvotes. Comments you disagree with get nothing, and toxic/abusive or irrelevent comments get downvoted.

/r/AskReddit Thread