[Serious] What is one question you'd like to ask a minority group (cultural, social, sexual, etc) out of sincere curiosity, but have been unable to do so for fear of seeming socially or culturally insensitive and receiving harsh reprisal or consequences?

Isn't there a bit of chicken-and-egg going on with this response, though? You're acting like Israelis were gifted the land and then immediately set about fucking everything over for the lulz.

Did the Jews not originally own large amounts of the land that was initially given to them when Israel was created? Didn't a lot of the current situation, compared hilariously to Apartheid which has all sorts of other issues going on, come about as a result of the often-violent backlash from Palestinians and other Arab nationals to the presence of a European-backed Jewish state in their territory?

Yeah, there's a lot of shit going on, but this answer makes it sound entirely like it's the sole fault of Israel and the European/USA powers that created it. The shit is flung both ways over there.

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