[Serious] What is a punishment your parents used to do to you that at the time you thought was normal until you got older and realized it was abuse/borderline abuse?

My dad would throw my toys out the upstairs window into the concrete yard if I disturbed him.

My mum was fine except she seemed to think illness and injuries were things I did on purpose, or was making up. I'd get sent to school and never really went to the doctor. The most ridiculous example was when I twisted my ankle when playing - I was in absolute agony, foot and ankle like a grapefruit. She yelled at me for doing it on purpose to get out of sports day at school the next day and sent me hobbling in anyway. I obviously couldn't compete but the school couldn't send me home because she wouldn't pick me up. I limped around the field all day carrying water bottles for other kids.

2 more days of agony limping around school she took me to hospital. Doc thought it was broken at first but it turned out to be a bad sprain - still gives me trouble 20 yrs later.

/r/AskReddit Thread