[Serious] What is something scary that has happened to you that you cannot explain rationally?

One really hot and humid night I fell into this twisted lucid dream that I couldn't wake up from. It was almost exactly the same setting (in bed next to my boyfriend) except we were awake and I felt like I was on the verge of fainting. I remember a vignette closing in around my vision and the sensation of falling backward. My last thought in the dream, since I couldn't seem to get my bf's attention, was to collapse hard enough that my head against the hardwood would get his attention. I woke up as I fainted. Went back to sleep a few minutes later and dreamt that I was super stoned and trying to explain to some people that I was going to faint (again with the fainting) but I was too buzzed to get the message out. Fainted again, woke up, even more shook up because the dream felt too real, and like it had just picked up where the last one had left off. This happened a few more times, it felt like a lifetime of these endless nightmarish situations. It got to a point that I was so exhausted/disoriented that I was having a hard time staying away but was terrified to go back to sleep. Eventually I dozed off but believed I was still awake, lying in bed. I remember thinking I was finally done Dreaming cause it was getting light out, until out of nowhere I see this guy throw himself off a roof outside my window, and slide super accurately down and off to his certain death. Heard the thoomp, saw him increase speed as he fell. I was paralyzed, and trying with all my might to say "we need to call the cops" and this time I woke up to my own voice trying to mumble my boyfriend's name. At this point I gave up and went outside, chain smoked a bit, ate a sandwich, and eventually fell into a peaceful sleep. I think it had something to do with the poor ventilation/extreme heat in the room that night. Similar thing happened to me in Italy in a hostel with no windows in the room.

wtfl;dr: kept falling asleep into horrible lucid dreams

/r/AskReddit Thread