[Serious] What have you still not forgiven your parents for?

This happened recently, but my dad has honestly done plenty I could've not forgiven him for. In January of this year, a week before my birthday he came down with his girlfriend and their two kids. I rarely see my dad as is, so I feel really awkward around him without my mom here, she lives hours away. To make matters worse the druggie gf and kids she doesn't take care of and disappears on for months at a time.

Well I was awoken on Sunday morning at 9 AM by my SO's mom telling me that he's basically trying to kill her right now, choking her, picking her up by the throat and throwing her on the bed, etc. Kids are yelling at him to stop, she's trying to leave but he won't let her. All happening in my apartment at 9 AM, cops obviously called, they asked everyone what happened. She told them what he did, basically in the end they sent him away with the kids and she stayed until the next day for a ride home.

My mom called him the next day and he messaged me later that he shouldn't come back here, understandable. He's still my father, still hurt, but still pissed. A week later while cleaning I found a fucking crack pipe hidden behind my supplies on my Washer.

Another time was when my mom was visiting, was father's day weekend(last year), so he came down. I didn't get much sleep the night prior due to pain, so I went to take a nap before we went to eat. He had slept ALL day, while I was awake. So he finally wakes up when I'm mid-nap, and gets pissed, asks my mom when I'll be up. She got mad at him for sleeping all day, he got pissed that I was asleep. Told my mom, "I have other kids to get back to you know!?" and left.

He's done a lot of messed up things, but I'm coming of the age of where I actually understand everything better, so it's fucked our relationship up.

/r/AskReddit Thread