[Serious] What have you still not forgiven your parents for?

My parents got divorced when I was maybe 10 after being married for 30 years and I was raised by my mother. My mother- She was mentally abusive and tried to pass the line into physically abusive, but I'm much taller and stronger than her, as she is 5'4" and had me when she was 43 years old, so I'm pretty sure that's why she never did. My brother, on the other hand, she absolutely loved and I resent my brother for it even though it's not technically his fault. She would constantly talk about how I was such a horrible child, how she was going to send me away, and how I ruined everyone's lives, she once told me that "you ruin everyone's life's, even your precious boyfriend". Then she would never admit to doing any of those things, she would fervently deny it and call me a liar for bringing it up as to her she was, of course, the perfect mother. And then, for being such a liar, she would punish me, punishment almost always involving the denial of food but also not allowing me a license or a car, though I had the money to get one myself, and to this day I still don't know how to drive. Actually, one time she did allow me to drive and she decided I took a turn too quickly so she pulled the handbrake, sending the car into oncoming traffic (a large semi truck that,thankfully, missed us) and then proceeding to try to pull me out of the car by my hair while screaming and hitting me. All of which, of course, she never admits to. I brought it up and she said that none of it ever happened and if I think she grabbed me by hair what actually happened was she "reached [her] hand up and it caught on [my] hair". I could go on for days about all the stuff I shouldn't forgive my mother for. My dad- His parents were very wealthy and left my brother and I enough money to pay for our entire college. My dad took all of the money from the bank account and didn't tell anyone. We didn't find out until it was too late and my brother was preparing to go to college. When my parents were getting divorced, he insisted that no money be left aside for my brother and I because then he would get less money out of the divorce, all of which belonged to my mom as my dad never worked a day in his life. Also during the divorce, he originally didn't want any custody at all until his lawyer informed him that is he did fight for custody, he could pay less child support, so he got partial custody and I would have to go and visit him every other weekend until I put up enough of a fight with my mother to stop going (he was a drunk and whenever I visited I would always have to hang around his odd, drunk friends). He's now become a bitter old man, regretting all of his life choices and trying to rebuild a relationship with his mini-me daughter. I could go on for days about why I should never forgive him either. But really, the worst part is that I do kind of forgive them. I shouldn't, I don't want to, but I still try to make my parents happy, I still feel bad when I think about them all alone and sad as they both are, and I still laugh with them and joke around and play along with their little charade that they're good parents.

/r/AskReddit Thread