[Serious] What have you still not forgiven your parents for?

Shit, I don't even know how to explain this. I've been trying to get it to where it makes sense but no luck so I'm just going to go for it. Not that I think it matters all that much but I'm only 16 and this is all still pretty recent.

My Dad wasn't the greatest father, actually sometimes he was pretty mean but he was the only father figure I had, I always kinda thought all the stuff he did was relatively normal considering it was all I ever knew so It never really effected me as much as it should have. Anyways my parents got a divorce last year and that was not a surprise at all. I knew things weren't going well in terms of their relationship and I knew it wasn't getting any easier so when my mom told me she was getting a divorce I was pretty much okay with it considering I kinda knew it was going to happen at some point. The whole divorce process was pretty sloppy, it just didn't go as smooth as it should've. For example: most of his clothes are still here, we had to change locks over night so he couldn't get in because he refused to leave etc. (this was all after the divorce was like "official.") My Dad still wanted to have a relationship with me and he would call me saying he wanted to see me and all that stuff, which is fine but I somehow felt he was trying to guilt me into like feeling bad, I mean it's not like I could've done anything. It was just all really confusing because I didn't exactly know the reason why they got a divorce and I didn't know how the whole custody thing worked. So I asked him to give me space so I could just think and try to work everything out. I guess he respected that because he stopped calling and all that stuff. A whole year passes and I still haven't even seen him or talked to him since the divorce. I kinda just put the whole thinking about it on hold, it was just easier pretending none of it happened than actually trying to work it out. I mean he was practically never home anyways, he would just come home late at night and say he was working all day. So like 2 months ago I ended up asking my Mom why they got a divorce in the first place and she told me everything. (I asked before but she always told me she needed more time to get everything ready.) So it turns out that my Dad spent the last 10 years or so trying to make my mother, my two younger autistic brothers (they're twins) and me homeless. He wanted the house that I'm currently living in all for himself and his family back in El Salvador (all of his relatives.) My mom showed me documents of him trying to get everything under his name. He would purposely break stuff around the house and only fix it half way because he knew that drove my Mom insane. His goal was to get my Mom to get fed up with his shit and take my brothers and I and just leave so he could have the house. He stole over $200,000+ in savings and income which explains why he was always working and why we never had any money. He cheated on my mom multiple times and would just insult her daily. There's more but I couldn't really take all of that in so I asked my mom if we could talk about it more later. Like I said, I never had the best father and I knew that, but now, EVERY single good memory I had of him was a lie, it always has been. He didn't love any of us. Which would have been fine, I mean if he didn't want anything to do with us then he could've just left, but nope. He stayed and tried to leach everything he could. As awful as it sounds, it would have just been easier if he just walked out on all of us. I will never be able to wrap my head around how anybody could sleep at night after trying to do all this. He doesn't know that I know and if he ever decides to try have a relationship with me I'm going to lay it all out. I will never be able to forgive him.

tl;dr: Everything I knew about my father was a lie, he is and always will be a selfish sack of shit that everyone would have been better without.

/r/AskReddit Thread