[Serious] What was the worst day in your life?

My dad had been sober for 5 years. I came home, he was standing in front of the sink facing away from me and I just knew he was trashed. He is everything, and ironically enough I was a heroin addict, that night I wanted to get high, I was sick of using just to feel normal so I did a whole bunch and ended up overdosing. My heart stopped and when I came to I was naked in the hallway with paramedics squrting Narcan up my nose and my dad was passed out drunk on the floor while my mom sobbed having done CPR before the paramedics got there. I spent my birthday in the hospital and actually ran out of the hospital through the fire doors, put on a whole hospital alarm, and was chased and tackled by 2 nurses and a doctor. I feel selfish even saying that was part of it, the worst was knowing how terrible I was and what I'd done to my family and especially my mother, who had just lost my grandma not even a month before

/r/AskReddit Thread