[Serious] What was the worst mental breakdown you've ever witnessed?

Ok. It's one thing to go to doctors and -get- pain treatment. It's another to meet with and discuss a doctor's views on managing pain/your issue.

I've had idiot doctors tell me I'm suffering from completely wrong things, and refuse to listen to my symptoms. I have chronic pain, so I don't always look/act like I'm in as much pain as usual.

I slipped a disk and had a small bone chip from falling off my bike. The doctor refused to MRI/x-ray or give pain meds. I told them, as I was screaming in blinding, I wanted it noted that I'm being refused pain treatment and diagnostic imaging, despite having a major genetic issue that recommends imaging and pain management after injuries.

Got the MRI, doctor told me it was normal. Felt the worst pain of my life for two months before scheduling appt.s with three other doctors. It wasn't until the THIRD doctor ordering the results that clearly stated the slipped disk and bone chip.

I have permanent nerve damage and facial numbness, and it may have been more treatable if I'd pushed and gone to more doctors right away.

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