[serious] What was your first traumatic experience?

Not my first or most traumatic experience but very painful to think about. I was somewhere between 8-11 years old, I don't remember. My mom told me and my little sister that she wishes we were never born, she was breaking stuff, throwing stuff, she possibly hit us but I don't remember that part too well. I screamed out "I love you!" through pure desperation praying that she'd say it back, but she yelled back "well I don't love you!". It hurt so bad but nowhere near as much as looking over to see my little sister fall to her knees in pure emotional agony. I can still see it so vividly, what she was wearing, her facial expression. She completely broke down. I held her while she cried for what felt like hours, stroking her hair and assuring her that mom loved her very much, while deep down believing that nobody in the world loved me. Earlier that day at school, I'd been so depressed thinking that nobody loved me, that there must be something wrong with me, I was worried sick about it. I vaguely remember even thinking about suicide that day, I felt absolutely worthless and was too sick to eat my lunch. We had actually stopped saying "I love you" to mom for a long time prior to this evn because she would never say it back and it hurt so much. It was a desperate plea to say it to her that day.

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