[Serious] What is your ghost story?


She's a friendly spirit if you approach her with the right intentions. If you don't, she is said to have been mean.

I encountered Hazel and an outpatient rehabilitation treatment center for men in the Southeast United States (I don't want to give too many details in fear that it will bring negative attention to a facility that really aims to help struggling men). I was delighted to hear that there was a ghost that lived on the premises. Once I was made aware that seances used to take place to summon her, I was propelled to summon her with a few of the other tenants there with me at the time.

Word got around the facility that Hazel was being summoned and so naturally, a few people tried to mess with us the first time around. I was incredibly frustrated and sought out a smaller group of tenants (5 of us). We went to a secluded barn on the property. This barn was sketchy as any building I've ever been in. No one really used it except for the shed that was attached. We went upstairs, lit our candles and proceeded to do some chants requesting 'raps'... 'make two raps if you can hear us' or what have you (banging, noise making, anything).

My palms and the palms of the other members of the seance were sweaty as well. Almost immediately after requesting on maybe our third or forth request, the flu of the fire place slammed shut. It didn't close, it slammed. After the seance, we did a little research (walking around the building, inspecting the fireplace and realized that it couldn't have been closed from outside the building. From that moment forward, all of the 'myths' I had heard about were confirmed.

There was a maintenace man on the property who used to spend nights there alone. The property probably had 50+ acres, if not 100 acres. Early on in his tenure, he would receive phone calls in the main building from other buildings on the property. He would go, check out if there were kids or someone trespassing on the property and did some surveillance as well. With surveillance in place, phone lines disconnected, the maintenance man continued to receive phone calls from other phones on the property. At one point he fired his shotgun into the air, after receiving multiple phone calls in one night. Immediately (!!!!) he heard other guns guns firing shots from throughout the property.

The man never, ever spent a night there alone again. Nor would he ever spend time on the property (day or night) without other people being present.

TL;DR: Ghost/spirit on huge property in the SE U.S.; responds to seances; had previously tormented/scared and scarred a grown man.

/r/AskReddit Thread